Friday 22 May 2009

Howdy one and all, well my race went well on wednesday, it was a lot better than I had thought. My plan was to try and go out reasonably hard, I knew I was in a ok'ish shape but had never pushed myself for a whole race, normally I would hang back a tadge on the bike cos my running was that poor, but it all went well. The swim started well but the young lass in the lane next to me shot off like a torpedo, which left me thinking my estimated7:30 was cack, I stuck to my pace and plodded on. Into T1 and a quick change of goggles etc for me helmet and I was off. I managed to stay on my bars for the whole race apart from the tight bends when I shifted to the drops for stability. At times I wanted to sit up like a big windsock but stayed put and just shifted fore and back when it ached. I had overtaken a few people on the way out, after the first turn I spotted the 'torpedo' and reeled her in, passing her and decidedly putting in the distance. Slowly caught another couple of riders and took them as well (cracking feeling). Into T2 and a rapid change with the only problem being the slight inability to stand on one leg to don my trainers. Set off at a comfortable pace, with a target in mind, a big guy who I'd seen on my way in on the bike, soon caught him, then picked other targets and intercepted and passed. What an ace feeling, I just didnt want that torpedo catching me on the run. I had paced the run well with a mental flat spot in the meadow area, I told my self focus once back on the road its a small rise and power through the houses and finish. I pushed on to the end, and literally as I passed the line lent forward hands on knees and started dry puking, yes good effort I thought. Planned to perfection for me. All in all my race went pretty well. Must thank my diet and Jase's plan. Citius, Altius, Fortius all the way.


  1. Very impressive performance Big Bob - I reckon you could be beating me by Cranwell. Keep it up.

  2. Well done Bob!!! Dambuster next mate.... that will be a good indicator of where we are at with the training towards that sub 6hour Vitruvian! I reckon you should push for a close 5:30!:)
