Sunday 3 May 2009

Well first race of my season over and done with. I had a few worries before hand , I had a minor calf problem and it niggled a bit, but it wasn't bad enough to slow me down. I was up early and felt ok, the usual nerves but nothing out of the ordinary. We set off into Kings Lynn where it was a bit blustery and chilly and looked ominous. I got prepped and stood in my zone, 45mins section. As the wheelchairs left we all shuffled forward and i ended in the 35 min zone, unlikely I thought. The gun went and it was all go. I immediately picked someone to follow but just after 2km lost them at a narrow section, so picked some guy with a big superstars style no8 on his bright yellow shirt. I had planned to get splits at every km, but some of the markers were hidden by crowds, so it didnt go as planned. 2km in 8:24:49, happy with that, 4km 16:59:37(8:34:88), 5km 21:03:93 (4:04:56), 6km 25:16:50 (4:12:57), 7km 29:35:01(4:18:51), 9km 38:19:62 (8:44:61), 10km 42:44:80 (4:25:18) and the end. It was a good time for me and I am well impresses. I feel that next year I could even possibly go sub 40 mins, we'll wait and see. I was after the immortal negative split, but there was quite a breeze at times and I was tiring. Watch this space!!


  1. Great effort Bob! See you at Brize?

  2. Dude!! You will have to change your blog to Tri Fast Boy tri!!

    Well done mate and see you around - if I recognise you!!

  3. Great start to your blogging mate and your season!

  4. Welcome to Blogland Big Bob and well done on a great run. I know I can't run that fast at the moment!

  5. Well done mate, thats awesome...:) you must have a good coach lol!
