Tuesday 12 May 2009

Training has been going well, apart from a small ache in the form of tendonitus, teach me to wear old trainers. Thankfully its gone now, which allowed me to plod on next to the river Nar for a lovely run. Am toying with the idea to have a pop at a 10mile TT, not really sure though, want to have a go but am unsure of what to expect, tired legs is probably an understatement. Will wait and see. Have been chatting to some guys I work next door to about a sport for the 'off season' and may take them up on the offer of Biathlon, after all its only running and shooting on snow, albeit with long planks tied to your feet, cant remember the last time I had a go at skiing,dont think it was much to write home about. Yet another sport to try and bluff past the wife, who has to bear my every crazy sporting thought and cos she is brill she lets me have a go. Ah well we will wait and see!! Have got a swim meet on Sat eve for my masters squad, am only doing 50free and 50 breast, but it should be a laugh, I will be in some of the relays as well. Will post my meagre times for scrutiny after.

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