Saturday 20 June 2009

Well today was the Dambuster and after the last 3 weeks at Halton on my IMLC with the last 2 hardly getting any training in, I wasnt expecting much. I was up early at 0300 setting of and arrriving at 0500. Having set up all me biz in our own transition i was ready. We set off in our own wave first, a bloody good idea as well. I must have added on at least another 200m by tacking between buoys, my swimming today was dire,30 mins, that was when I could see the bloody buoys, speccy wearer see. T1 settled meself and set off on the bike, christ the wind killed me and I felt it didnt back off till I was past the ripple, it went well after that i was down aero most of the time, then turned back onto the whitwell road and into the wind again arrived back at transition wanting the runafter 1.5 hours. T2 went well and I had sat down to put on my trainers as my feet were numb from the bike. Set off and didnt feel my feet till the dam, it was all a bit up and down on the run, felt slow , got a cramp and had to take a 2 step walk up the wee hill on the return, got passed and thought i could catch the fella but no joy, but still did it in 46 mins so Iwas happy. It wasnt till the end that I thought bugger, gotta do that twice on the Vitruvian. Ah well shit happens as they say. Today PB'd in 2:46, not fast by some standards but better than before, could've possibly got a wee bit quicker had last 3 weeks been better for training, thats life.
See ya all soon

1 comment:

  1. Great result. The wind was bad at my end as well and I felt so useless when everyone went past me so quickly and effortlessly.

    The vit will be a better day see you at the camp site in September
