Wednesday 24 June 2009

Today I did my first ever time trial. Started as always with a 10 miler, course B10/37R for those who might know what it all means. I was very nervous, god knows why its just a bike sesh. I had spoken to Sags and Jase about what to do, bith gave me some good advice and to warm up beforehand. This I duly did on my trusty/rusty turbo, but being a bit of a new boy i got to the start point a bit early and had to wait about 8 mins. Which was good as I wasnt really sure of how the number system worked, as number 8 I would leave at 19:08. Good. I started and must ensure to test whether I am clipped in or not, heard the click but on first pedal foot became detached, quickly put back in out of the saddle to build up the speed and I was off. I had been told to take it staedy for the first 3 mins but I had to tell myself this as I was getting a little carried away too early. It was windy and an angled head wind for the first 4 - 6 miles which I found tough. I tried to keep my speed up and succeeded most of the time. The wind was a killer and Although I had started my clock at the 30sec marker, the more I looked at it on the rolling route the longer it all appeared. I found that the more tired I became the lower my position got on my bike as I dropped behind my Tri bars even more to gain those extra seconds. I completed in 27:35, and once I returned to listen to the rest of the riders I realised that the weather was crap, well thats what they all said so my time didnt feel so bad after all. Will I do it again? Damn right, may even endeavour to get a proper tt saddle, it may stop my left leg going numb, and might even get some of those funky speedy looking overshoes, why? Cos if you feel faster it must help you go faster. Thanks for your advice Sags and Jase, I think the sub 25min may be a way off but its my next target, all done on a budget though, no bling here just hard work and effort.
See ya all soon

Saturday 20 June 2009

Well today was the Dambuster and after the last 3 weeks at Halton on my IMLC with the last 2 hardly getting any training in, I wasnt expecting much. I was up early at 0300 setting of and arrriving at 0500. Having set up all me biz in our own transition i was ready. We set off in our own wave first, a bloody good idea as well. I must have added on at least another 200m by tacking between buoys, my swimming today was dire,30 mins, that was when I could see the bloody buoys, speccy wearer see. T1 settled meself and set off on the bike, christ the wind killed me and I felt it didnt back off till I was past the ripple, it went well after that i was down aero most of the time, then turned back onto the whitwell road and into the wind again arrived back at transition wanting the runafter 1.5 hours. T2 went well and I had sat down to put on my trainers as my feet were numb from the bike. Set off and didnt feel my feet till the dam, it was all a bit up and down on the run, felt slow , got a cramp and had to take a 2 step walk up the wee hill on the return, got passed and thought i could catch the fella but no joy, but still did it in 46 mins so Iwas happy. It wasnt till the end that I thought bugger, gotta do that twice on the Vitruvian. Ah well shit happens as they say. Today PB'd in 2:46, not fast by some standards but better than before, could've possibly got a wee bit quicker had last 3 weeks been better for training, thats life.
See ya all soon