Monday 18 July 2011

Well back into it properly at last. Last year was spent recovering after a small bike crash, still left with a permanently sublocated acromioclavicular joint, in common a permanently dislocated scapula!! painful and narky at times but I can get on with it. Yesterday did my first open water swim in 2 years, started back with a 3km. You could tell all my training has been sprint based, I was pooped, but I completed it, no idea of time yet, dont expect it was good though. The water temp was a barmy bermudan 18 degrees, considering your only allowed to wear a swimsuit(speedos) hats and goggles, it was fresh to start with! On a positive note though my sighting went well and my swim route was only curvy, not like my normal tacking up the channel a la yacht style. Well hopefully that will be the start for my master plan for next year. Keep you posted, hopefully :)